Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Birthday Weekend

Hello everyone!

I am back home after a super nice weekend. To begin with, my girlfriend came from where she studies (as she does every weekend) so that made me super super happy. Then, on Saturday it was my birthday and lastly, I started a new project which I comment soon.

But first, on Friday, after my girl came, we hung out together for a while and then I went to the birthday party of a friend of mine. She is also, the fiance of my best friend here and they are getting married next summer :) I PROMISE a post on the wedding :D Before I went though, I got an awesome grill/sandwich/waffle maker from my GF's mom! It is PERFECT! :D I am actually eating sandwiches that I made using it as we speak :D

For my bday I went downtown to eat with my GF! We went to this brunch place (God, I love brunch!) They had creppes, all sorts of cheeses, salmon, chicken, salads, smoothies, cake, and a long list of etceteras. It was very very nice, but we were very very full after it! :D My girl then gave me a super nice sweater as a present and a "citrus juicer" (yes hunny, you were right :D ) After that we chilled and for the evening we went with some friends to eat Japanese food. After that we went for a couple of drinks. Very standard evening, but what mattered the most, was that everyone had a good time. Olli gave me a very nicely framed picture he did. He is a bit of a photography buff :D

Lastly, today, my gf's brother AKA the Knowledge Man gave me two very interesting presents, one is this ball puzzle which testes patience, coordination and dexterity (Check addictaball) And also, I got a chilli growing set! It is this last present that I will start a small project out of it. I will report my steps, progress and possible innovations as I advance. Without forgetting obviously, to report the extraordinary of the ordinary.

WOW! This is a big post! I promise I won't be as annoying in the incoming ones (talking all the time about me me and me ;) ) but I will report on other things, the chillies included. I am just very very happy and wanted to share these moments with you.

To all who made it happen my warmest wished.

Keep on reading!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Extraordinarity of the Ordinary

Hello all!

Doing this blog is very difficult. For once, my ideas are often to weird and also, I do not have a camera so I cannot make it more interesting or visually stimulating for you. Therefore, my only options for this blog is to comment on the ordinary. Which, tends to be extraordinary. Have you ever wondered why you do certain things the way you do them? Like if you start drying up from the legs up after a shower instead of from the top to the bottom? In one class I am taking now, called Consumer Culture, we are often asked to view or analyze the day-to-day life and record our experiences and in that way, understand more about how and why we do things. In that note, I would like to invite you, dear reader, to do the same thing. And possibly, comment on your ideas.

Warm wishes!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Beginning


Let me introduce myself. My name is Jose Pablo, but I go by Jp. I am a 23 year old Mexican living in Finland. This is a recollection of my anecdotes and thoughts of my everyday life in these Northern Lands that I now call home.

This blog will not have a unifying theme in the beginning other than my experiences around here. But as I write and find interesting topics and ideas to share with you maybe we can decide on a unifying theme for it.

For my first entry, I would like to announce that I will start a more or less serious fitness programme. It will include running (both speed and endurance, strength, mass gain and probable some survivalist skills. You know, for when the Apocalypse strikes ;)

I hope you enjoy. If you have any suggestions, I am looking forward for your comments. Now I will go to the gym to put my money where my mouth is ;)

Jp :)